Heyday Doula
Hi, I'm Heyday Doula Valentina
I know that pregnancy, birth, postnatal recovery and baby care matters and it matters a lot. That's why I am passionate about supporting moms through this important time of life. I would love to help you create your beautiful beginning
My name is Valentina and I’m a professional doula based in London

I started attending births in 2014 when I first began Birth Doula training. I had worked in many settings beyond local home births – developing wisdom and awareness of how to best support families through hospital births in central London. I will bring calming, loving, and empathetic presence to the birthing room and I believe strongly in supporting families in every way, regardless of how and where they choose to birth.


My aim as your Doula is to gently support you in meeting your baby in the most loving way possible and most importantly in your own authentic way so that you have happy memories of your birth journey

I am here to mother the mother, support you and your family at the start of your parenting journey

My greatest wish for every woman is that she transitions into motherhood healthily and lovingly body and mind. With me, this is through loving touch, heartfelt and mindful support and good nurturing nourishment.

As a birth and postnatal doula, I supported hundreds of families including first, second and third-time parents, solo parents and families with multiples.

Postnatal period is a very special time that should be honoured and protected. It is a time to slow things down, recover and rest. I want to encourage and support women to spend the first weeks after birth resting as much as possible with their baby to promote healing, recovery and bonding.

It's important to me that you have support as you move through this challenging time in life.

As well as helping with cooking and light housework duties I’m happy to talk through and signpost you to evidence-based information on issues such as sleep, feeding, bonding, baby cues, and coping with the stresses of the early days

Caring, Compassionate, Knowledgeable
Birth & Postnatal Doula Services For London mums
Whether you are a first-time parent, or this is your 4th child, the presence of an experienced support person can help maintain a sense of calm and confidence, even in the most intense moments.
Birth Doulas provide emotional, physical, and information support but do not perform any clinical tasks. Our focus is on supporting the family through a pivotal moment, whereas midwives are focusing on making sure you and your baby are safe! Your doula is the one who will be by your side throughout your birth, helping you with comfort measures, supporting your partner in supporting YOU, and helping you make informed decisions about your care

Build the best labour support team who will be there to hold your hand, provide counterpressure, remind you how amazing you are doing, and keep you focused on the finish line: holding your baby in your arms.

During Postpartum Doula Support, you will be nurtured along with your family to adapt to this new member of your household. From feeding to laundry, to simply understanding the emotions you're experiencing or giving you a restful night's sleep, it's all taken care of with a postnatal doula.

Unconditional emotional support, education and resources, holistic solutions, recovery process & postpartum healing, mood support, breastfeeding support (help with latch, positions, breastfeeding education), diapering (cloth or disposable), infant/toddler feeding options, nutrition & healthy habits, sleep strategies, etc

While I am always willing to share my experience on any question you might have, my goal is to be helpful in a quiet, pleasant and respectful of the traditions, culture and values of your family

Learn more
  • Training

    Completed my first birth and postnatal course. It covered all aspects of birth, postnatal care and breastfeeding - 2013

    Waterbirth Workshop - 2013

    Holistic postpartum recovery -2014

    Developing Doulas Preparation Course - 2017

    Homebirth Study Day for Doulas

    Completed foundation Mexican Rebozo training with Angelina Martinez - 2019

    Hypnobirthing and Antenatal educator Diploma at KGHypnobirthing - 2019

    The infant Microbiome course with Microbirth School – 2019

    Rocio Alarcon’s “Closing the bones ceremony” workshop – 2019

    Reflexology for childbirth workshop – 2018

    I am also trained in aromatherapy, acupressure and massage for birth

    Antenatal educator course with Doula.ru - 2019

    Baby massage instructor by IAIM - 2019

  • Experience
    As a Birth Doula I have attended births at all the London hospitals and Birth Centres as well as home births. I have experience of every type of birth from women physiological births using birth pools and/or gas and air, Hypnobirthing, water births. VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean), instrumental deliveries, water births, caesarean sections.
    I have supported births that have included the use of epidurals or Pethidine, involved T.E.N.S , induced labours and a few births that have needed ventouse or caesarian deliveries. I’ve also supported many successful VBAC births and have had several twin birth clients.
    Feel Confident in Your Postpartum with Personalized Support!
    If you just had a baby and your life has changed in an instant, it's a lot to take in! Sleepless nights, recovery after birth, learning how to care for your baby all while trying to figure out how to be a mom yourself.
    I know how challenging these first days, weeks, and months can be. But I believe that with personalized support, education and care, your transition to parenting can be positive and calm
I’m fully qualified and have had the privilege of witnessing many babies journey into the world but I never stop learning and being curious. This is really part of my philosophy and leads me to continually advance my skills and seek out new ones.

Michel Odent
 He created the Primal Health Research database
and the website www.wombecology.com. He is the author of 13 books (including the classics Birth and Breastfeeding and Primal Health) published in 22 languages, and author (or co-author) of 92 articles listed in www.pubmed.com

KGHypnobirthing Teacher Training course with Nancy Keen ( founder of Birth Right Hypnobirthing.Creator of Birth Right Academy ) & Kemi Johnson ( Birthkeeper, former NHS and former Independent Midwife in the UK)

Certificated Foundation Rebozo Training with Angelina Martinez Miranda. She is a traditional midwife living and practicing in Morelos, Mexico. Throughout her life she attended around 15,000 births. Angelina is a long-time member of Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA)
Birth Doula
Birthing process is a transformation – from pregnancy into motherhood, inside and out. A doula is a great addition to your chosen health provider and because a doula is a non-medical caregiver, they will bring all sorts of tools and techniques to support your labour.

There have been 26 randomized trials that tested the effects of continuous labour support on more than 15,000 people giving birth. Overall, people who receive continuous support are more likely to have a normal vaginal birth and less likely to have pain medication, negative feelings about childbirth, and Cesareans. In addition, their labours are shorter and their babies are less likely to have complications at birth or be admitted to a NICU. In these studies, the best results occurred when the continuous support was provided by a trained doula—someone who was not a staff member at the hospital and not part of the birthing person’s social network.

Working with a doula has many benefits:

Doulas can help shorten your labour and help you have fewer complications.

Helps you develop skills and confidence for birth.

Coaches and encourages you throughout your labour and the birth of your child.

Supports your birth partner to participate at their comfort level.

Reduces the risk of your birth escalating to caesarean birth.

Increases success rates with breastfeeding.

Reduces the risks of postnatal depression

And here are the more benefits of hiring a doula, that you’ll personally notice during and after childbirth:

Help you if you’re scared

Help you let go of the control, and simply let your body guide you through childbirth.

Can be the only person who can keep everyone’s nerves calm and cool during childbirth.

She can be integral in facilitating communication and letting your support team and midwife what you need and want

Can provide massage, breathing help, and so on during delivery as well as teach massage and breathing techniques to your partner

Can also help provide any emotional or physical support you need

If you will be at home, a doula can get in contact with the homebirth team when needed

Can answer your questions about newborn baby care

Can answer your questions about your post-pregnancy body and emotions

Can answer questions about breastfeeding and latching on

Can offer nutrition guidelines and information

Can also offer you guidance when it comes to rest, exercise and offer support

A postnatal doula also visits you in your home and helps you manage tasks and responsibilities as a new mother

What’s the difference between a Doula and a Midwife?
A Doula and Midwife each have a scope of practice and serve different roles on the birth team.
They are trained differently and work together to create a positive, healthy experience for you and your partner.

Does NOT make your decisions for you
Does NOT pressure you into certain choices
Does NOT replace your partner’s role in the birth

What Does A Doula Do Before Birth?

Before birth, a doula will help you by:

making sure you have solid information which allows you to make educated decisions about your birth plan, you define a clear vision and plan for your birth

Helping you know your options as far as Hospitals/Birth centres/Private midwifes gives you

Talk through any unexpected changes to your birth plan, makes sure you know what interventions will likely be offered to you and help you know how to communicate your desires around them

What Does A Doula Do During Birth?

A Doula Will Help You Physically By:
- making sure you have a constant supply of water
- spending hours squeezing your hips to get you the counter-pressure you are craving
- bringing tools like a rebozo or yoga ball for you to use during birth
- going with you for a walk if you need a change

A Doula Will Help You Emotionally By:

- reminding you that birth is normal
- giving you courage with her confidence
- counteracting that voice in your head that says you can’t do it
- providing you with ideas for pain management when you run out of them
- suggesting different ideas that could help your labour progress if you feel stuck

A Doula Will Free Up Your Partner To Support You By:

- telling your husband exactly how to press your back in the way you need
- being comfortable and confident that everything that is happening as you birth is normal and okay when he is not sure
- giving him a chance to take a break from supporting you so that he can pee, make a phone call or get something to eat
- making sure that you are not alone when it is 3 in the morning and he is exhausted and needs a nap

Directly after birth a doula can help you and your new baby with your first latch.

This makes a doula even more of an important investment if you’re at a hospital or facility without good breastfeeding support.

New babies have never nursed and sometimes, it can take time for your little one to learn this skill. I’ll be there to help with different holds and positioning to make breastfeeding more comfortable

Feel Confident in Your Postpartum with Personalized Support!

New moms have so many questions and concerns in the first weeks! I’m here to give you personalized support to lighten the load, give tips and guidance on all things baby and motherhood. Sleepless nights, recovery after birth, learning how to care for your baby all while trying to figure out how to be a mom yourself. It is a lot to take in!
I know how challenging these first days, weeks, and months can be. But I believe that with personalized support, education and care, your transition to parenting can be positive and calm.
You are not alone. The feelings are real. So is having support!

I provide day and/or overnight support to improve your new parent experience.

I help you however you need help

Support with newborn care - learning baby hunger cues, bathing, diapering, calming, etc.
Emotional support - a safe space to talk about your birth experience and parenting worries
Breastfeeding support/latch and position help. Refer to a specialist when needed
Bottle feeding support & pumping guidance
Light housekeeping - laundry, meal prep, dishes, light cleaning, groceries, etc.
Baby-wearing assistance
Infant & parent sleep solutions
Be a listening ear to help process their birth experience
Help the family find a new rhythm for daily life so parents feel confident in parenting
Playing with older children

Feel Confident in Your Postpartum with Personalized Support!


You can contact me by phone, email and the contact form below
+44 7456888014
London, United Kingdom
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